mongodb vs my sql vs ms sql

The speed of a database depends on various factors, including the specific use case, workload, data model, and configuration. Let’s compare MongoDB, MySQL, and Microsoft SQL Server (MSSQL) in terms of performance for common scenarios:


  • Type: NoSQL (Document-oriented)
  • Performance:
    • Strengths: Excels in handling large volumes of unstructured or semi-structured data, schema flexibility, and fast read/write operations due to its document-based model.
    • Weaknesses: Can be less performant for complex transactions and joins compared to relational databases.


  • Type: Relational Database (RDBMS)
  • Performance:
    • Strengths: Well-suited for read-heavy workloads, structured data, and scenarios requiring complex transactions and joins.
    • Weaknesses: Might not handle massive write-heavy loads as efficiently as NoSQL databases without significant tuning.

MSSQL (Microsoft SQL Server)

  • Type: Relational Database (RDBMS)
  • Performance:
    • Strengths: Strong support for complex queries, transactions, and data integrity. Often provides better performance for enterprise-level applications with complex relational data.
    • Weaknesses: Licensing cost and potentially higher resource requirements.

Performance Comparisons

  1. Read Operations:
    • MongoDB: Typically faster for simple, unstructured data reads due to its document-oriented nature.
    • MySQL: Efficient for structured data reads with well-defined schema, especially with proper indexing.
    • MSSQL: Similar to MySQL, but often better optimized for complex queries and large datasets in enterprise environments.
  2. Write Operations:
    • MongoDB: Generally excels in high-throughput write scenarios, especially with unstructured data.
    • MySQL: Can be performant with structured data but may require tuning (e.g., indexing, query optimization) for heavy write operations.
    • MSSQL: Strong performance for transactional writes, often better suited for complex transactional workloads.
  3. Complex Queries and Joins:
    • MongoDB: Not as strong as relational databases for complex joins and multi-document transactions.
    • MySQL: Good performance with complex joins, especially with optimized queries.
    • MSSQL: Often superior in handling complex queries and joins due to advanced optimization techniques and tools.
  4. Scalability:
    • MongoDB: Easily scalable horizontally (sharding) for large-scale applications.
    • MySQL: Can scale vertically (more powerful hardware) and horizontally with techniques like sharding, but more complex than MongoDB.
    • MSSQL: Primarily scales vertically but supports horizontal scaling with advanced features like Always On availability groups.


  • MongoDB might be the fastest for use cases involving large volumes of unstructured data, simple reads/writes, and requiring schema flexibility.
  • MySQL is often faster for read-heavy workloads with structured data and scenarios requiring complex transactions.
  • MSSQL typically offers robust performance for enterprise applications with complex queries, transactions, and large datasets.

Ultimately, the “fastest” database depends on your specific requirements and workload. Benchmarks and performance testing in your actual environment are crucial for making an informed decision.